Top Media Trends and How They Impact Your Business

September 14, 2024
5 min read
Top Media Trends and How They Impact Your Business

Trends come and go, reshaping how businesses connect with their audiences. 

Staying on top of the latest media trends is key if you want your business to stay relevant and ahead of the game. These trends shape how people consume content, interact with brands, and decide what to buy. By keeping up with what's new, you can tweak your strategy and make the most of fresh opportunities.

Short-Form Video

The short-form video has exploded in popularity over recent years, with platforms like TikTok, Instagram Reels, and YouTube Shorts becoming favourites for both users and brands. People are drawn to quick, entertaining content that can be consumed in seconds. Businesses have taken note of this shift and are finding ways to incorporate short videos into their marketing strategies.

For brands, short-form videos are ideal because they’re easily digestible, often engaging, and perfect for storytelling. These videos don’t have to be complex or highly produced to be effective. In fact, many consumers prefer more authentic, real-life moments rather than polished, scripted ads. Companies are using short-form content to showcase their products, share behind-the-scenes glimpses, and even educate audiences in a fun, interactive way.

Social media platforms favour short videos in their algorithms, so brands that invest in this format often see higher engagement. The challenge, though, is catching attention in a matter of seconds. With attention spans shorter than ever, businesses need to find creative ways to communicate their messages quickly and effectively. Those that master this trend can see significant benefits in terms of visibility and customer interaction.

Podcasts and Audio

Podcasts have gained significant traction in the past few years, becoming a popular way for people to consume content while multitasking. From commuting to working out or just relaxing, podcasts fit seamlessly into listeners’ lives. As audio content continues to grow, it offers businesses a unique way to connect with audiences.

They are a great platform for brands to share their expertise, interview industry leaders, and offer in-depth insights into topics that matter to their customers. This format allows businesses to build trust and establish authority within their industry. Hosting a podcast or even sponsoring popular podcasts in your niche can help get your brand in front of a highly engaged audience.

What sets podcasts apart from other content formats is their intimacy. They allow for longer, more conversational exchanges, which helps listeners feel like they’re part of the conversation. As audio content becomes even more accessible through platforms like Spotify and Apple Podcasts, businesses that invest in podcasting can build strong, long-term relationships with their audience.

Live audio platforms, such as Clubhouse and Twitter Spaces, are also gaining popularity, offering a more spontaneous way for brands to engage in real-time conversations with their followers. These platforms provide an opportunity for businesses to host discussions, answer questions, and share insights in a more direct and personal way.


Consumers want authenticity now more than ever. Brands that come across as relatable, real, and human are the ones that build the most loyal followers. Gone are the days when people were satisfied with perfectly curated ads and overly polished content. Authenticity is now the currency of trust.

Brands that are transparent, open about their values, and willing to show the people behind the company tend to perform well. This trend has led to the rise of more casual, behind-the-scenes content. It’s no longer just about professional, staged images or videos. Showing the human side of your business can create a stronger connection with your audience.

Social media is a powerful tool for creating this sense of authenticity. Many companies are sharing more about their processes, their team, and their daily operations in a way that feels approachable. Instead of perfectly posed posts, they’re opting for candid moments that allow their audience to feel like they’re part of the journey. Authenticity builds trust, and trust drives engagement and loyalty.

Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing is far from new, but it’s evolving. Initially dominated by mega-influencers and celebrities, brands are now turning their attention to micro-influencers and even nano-influencers. These influencers may not have millions of followers, but they have a dedicated and engaged audience that trusts their recommendations.

Partnering with influencers offers a direct path to connect with their target market in a more organic and authentic way. Influencers who genuinely align with your brand can create content that resonates with their followers, often more effectively than traditional ads.

Micro-influencers, in particular, are becoming increasingly valuable. They tend to have closer relationships with their followers, and their content often feels more personal. Brands are leveraging these partnerships to create campaigns that feel more natural and less commercial. The result is that consumers are more likely to trust the recommendations, leading to increased brand awareness and sales.

Platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube are still the go-to spaces for influencer collaborations. With the rise of short-form video and live content, influencers are creating more dynamic ways to engage their followers, giving businesses new opportunities to showcase products and services in a creative and relatable way.


Consumers expect personalised experiences. They want content and recommendations tailored to their preferences and behaviours. This has led to a significant increase in personalised marketing efforts across all platforms. Brands that take the time to understand their audience and deliver personalised content are more likely to see higher engagement and conversions.

Personalisation goes beyond addressing someone by name in an email. It involves analysing data to understand customer behaviours, preferences, and needs. With this information, businesses can create content, ads, and recommendations that feel uniquely tailored to each individual.

From personalised product recommendations on e-commerce sites to custom-tailored email campaigns, the demand for personalised experiences is only growing. Businesses that can leverage data to create these experiences are better positioned to build long-term relationships with their customers. This trend requires a balance of technology and creativity. While data is essential, the way you use it to craft engaging, personalised messages is what makes the difference.

Social Commerce 

Social media platforms have become more than just places to connect with friends and share content—they’re now major players in the e-commerce world. Social commerce is the merging of social media and online shopping, allowing users to purchase products directly within the platforms they use every day.

Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest have introduced shopping features that make it easier for users to discover, browse, and buy products without leaving the app. For businesses, this means they can showcase products in a highly visual and engaging way, while also making it incredibly easy for users to complete a purchase.

Social commerce allows businesses to shorten the customer journey. Instead of directing users to a separate website to make a purchase, brands can facilitate the entire shopping experience within the social platform. This makes the process smoother for consumers and can lead to higher conversion rates.

User-Generated Content 

User-generated content (UGC) is another trend that has gained traction, especially in the context of social media. UGC refers to any content created by customers that features a brand, such as photos, videos, reviews, or social media posts. This type of content is incredibly valuable because it’s seen as more trustworthy and authentic than traditional advertising.

Brands are encouraging their customers to share their experiences with their products or services and often showcase this content on their own channels. UGC provides social proof, demonstrating that real people use and enjoy your product. It’s a form of word-of-mouth marketing that can significantly impact buying decisions.

For businesses, leveraging UGC is a win-win. It allows you to feature content that’s often more engaging than professional ads, while also building a sense of community among your customers. Brands that actively encourage and promote UGC are able to foster stronger relationships with their audience, creating a more interactive and dynamic brand experience.

Media Trends

The media landscape continues to evolve, and the trends shaping it will keep changing. By staying informed and open to new ways of reaching your audience, businesses can continue to find success in an increasingly competitive market. These media trends—from short-form video and podcasts to influencer marketing and personalisation—are all about creating more engaging, authentic, and personalised experiences for consumers.

Businesses that adopt these trends can better connect with their customers, build stronger relationships, and ultimately, achieve greater growth. If you need any support with your marketing strategy or roll out - get in touch!

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