How to Repurpose Content to Boost Your Marketing Strategy

August 22, 2024
5 min read
How to Repurpose Content to Boost Your Marketing Strategy

What if there was a way to get more mileage out of the content you’ve already created? 

Enter content repurposing. A powerful strategy that allows you to make the most of your existing content, reach new audiences and boost your marketing efforts with less effort.

Whether you’re a seasoned marketer or just getting started, learning how to repurpose content effectively can transform your approach to content marketing.

What Is Content Repurposing?

Content repurposing involves taking existing content and adapting it for use in a different format, channel, or audience. Rather than starting from scratch, you can breathe new life into your existing content by modifying it to fit different purposes or platforms. 

For example, you could turn a blog post into a podcast episode, a series of social media posts, or an infographic. By doing so, you not only save time and resources but also ensure that your content reaches a wider audience.

Why Repurpose Content?

Repurposing content isn’t just about saving time; it offers several key benefits that can significantly enhance your marketing strategy:

Reach a Broader Audience

Different people consume content in different ways. While some prefer reading blog posts, others might favour watching videos, listening to podcasts, or scrolling through social media. Repurposing allows you to deliver your message across multiple formats, ensuring that you reach a diverse audience.

Boost SEO and Website Traffic

Repurposing content can improve your search engine optimization (SEO) by allowing you to target additional keywords and create more opportunities for inbound links. For instance, turning a blog post into a YouTube video with a backlink to your website can drive more traffic and improve your SEO ranking.

Reinforce Key Messages

Repetition is key to retention. By presenting the same information in different formats, you reinforce your key messages, making them more likely to stick with your audience. This is especially useful for promoting important campaigns or brand values.

Maximise ROI on Content Creation

Content creation requires significant investment in terms of time, money, and creativity. Repurposing content maximises the return on that investment by extending the life of your content and giving it multiple uses.

Fill Content Gaps

Repurposing is a great way to fill your content calendar, especially during periods when new content creation may be challenging. It ensures that you consistently provide value to your audience without having to constantly produce new material.

Strategies for Repurposing Content

Now that you understand the benefits, let’s explore some effective strategies for repurposing content across different channels and formats.

Turn Blog Posts into Social Media Content

Blog posts are a goldmine for social media content. You can easily break down a blog post into bite-sized pieces for platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, or Instagram. Here’s how:

Quotes and Highlights

Extract key quotes, statistics, or tips from your blog post and turn them into shareable images or text posts.

Carousel Posts

On Instagram and LinkedIn, create carousel posts that highlight the main points or steps outlined in your blog.

Twitter Threads

Break down the blog post into a series of tweets to create a Twitter thread. Each tweet can summarise a section or point from the post.

This approach not only drives traffic back to your blog but also increases engagement on social media by offering valuable content that resonates with your followers.

Create Videos from Written Content

Video content is highly engaging and increasingly favoured by audiences across various platforms. You can repurpose blog posts, whitepapers, or even email newsletters into video content. Here’s how:

Explainer Videos

Convert a how-to blog post into an explainer video that visually guides viewers through the steps or concepts.

Animated Videos

Use tools like Canva or Powtoon to create animated videos that illustrate key points from your written content.

Webinars and Live Streams

Host a webinar or live stream based on the content of a detailed blog post or case study. You can then repurpose the recording into shorter video clips for social media or a full-length video for your YouTube channel.

Transform Long-Form Content into Infographics

Long-form content such as research reports, whitepapers, or comprehensive guides can be daunting for some audiences. Turning these into infographics is an excellent way to make the information more digestible and visually appealing.

Data Visualisation

Use key statistics, graphs, and charts from your long-form content to create an infographic that tells a visual story.

Process Breakdown

If your content outlines a process or workflow, design an infographic that breaks it down step by step.

Comparison Charts

Compare and contrast different options, trends, or data points from your content using a side-by-side infographic.

Infographics are highly shareable on social media, especially on platforms like Pinterest and LinkedIn, and they can drive additional traffic back to your original content.

Repurpose Content into Lead Magnets

Lead magnets are valuable resources offered to your audience in exchange for their contact information, often used to grow your email list. You can repurpose existing content into lead magnets such as:


Combine several related blog posts or articles into a comprehensive ebook that provides in-depth insights on a particular topic.


Turn a how-to guide or listicle into a downloadable checklist that simplifies a process for your audience.


Repurpose tips or advice from your content into practical templates, worksheets, or planners that your audience can use.

These lead magnets not only repurpose your content but also provide a tangible benefit to your audience, increasing the likelihood of conversions.

Compile a Series of Blog Posts into a Course or Webinar

If you’ve written multiple blog posts around a specific theme or topic, consider compiling them into an online course or webinar. This approach allows you to present your expertise in a structured, comprehensive format.

Online Course

Create a multi-part online course using content from your blog posts. Add value by including video tutorials, quizzes, and downloadable resources.

Webinar Series

Host a series of webinars based on the topics covered in your blog posts. Each session can dive deeper into a specific aspect of the topic, with the entire series offering a complete overview.

Offering educational content in these formats can help position your brand as an industry authority while also attracting and engaging your audience.

Repurpose User-Generated Content

User-generated content (UGC) is any content created by your customers or audience members that mentions or features your brand. This can include testimonials, reviews, social media posts, or photos. Repurposing UGC can add authenticity to your marketing strategy.


Feature customer testimonials in your email campaigns, website, or social media posts.

Social Media Content

Share user-generated photos or videos on your social media channels, giving credit to the creators.

Case Studies

Turn customer success stories into detailed case studies that highlight how your products or services solve real-world problems.

Repurposing UGC not only strengthens your content strategy but also builds trust and credibility with your audience by showcasing real experiences.

Incorporate content repurposing into your marketing strategy today, and you’ll not only get more value from your content but also achieve better results with less effort. 

If you are looking for some support with your marketing strategy, get in touch for a chat.

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