How to Get More Followers for Your Business Page on Facebook

August 28, 2024
5 min read
How to Get More Followers for Your Business Page on Facebook

With over 2.8 billion monthly active users, Facebook offers an unparalleled opportunity to connect with potential customers and grow your brand. 

But how do you cut through the noise and attract more followers to your business page?

Optimise Your Page

Before jumping into growth tactics, check your Facebook page is fully optimised. 

Start by using a recognisable profile picture and cover photo, and fill out all the relevant details in the 'About' section, including keywords related to your business. Add a call-to-action button like "Shop Now" or "Contact Us" and verify your page to boost credibility. 

A well-optimised page enhances your professional appearance and increases your chances of being discovered in Facebook searches.

Post Consistently and at Optimal Times

Consistency is crucial for social media engagement, so create a posting schedule and stick to it. Aim for 3-5 posts per week and use Facebook Insights to find when your audience is most active. 

Try out different posting times and track engagement to see what works best. Scheduling tools can also help you stay consistent. 

Keep in mind that quality is more important than quantity, posting fewer high-quality updates is more effective than overwhelming your page with low-value content.

Create Engaging, Shareable Content

The content you post is key to attracting and keeping followers. Mix things up with different types of content like text, images, videos, and live streams

Share behind-the-scenes looks at your business and include user-generated content to boost engagement. Infographics relevant to your industry can be really effective, too. Don’t forget to use storytelling to create an emotional connection with your audience. 

The more engaging and shareable your content, the better chance you have of reaching a wider audience and drawing in new followers.

Leverage Facebook's Features

Facebook offers various features to help increase engagement and visibility:

• Use Facebook Stories to share timely, ephemeral content

• Go live with Facebook Live to interact with your audience in real-time

• Create and host events to boost community engagement

• Utilise Facebook Groups to foster discussions around your brand

• Experiment with Facebook Reels for short-form video content

Engage With Your Audience

Building a community around your brand is essential for long-term growth. Make sure to respond quickly to comments and messages, and ask questions to spark discussions. 

Running polls can help gather opinions and boost engagement. Share and comment on relevant content from other pages, and don’t forget to thank people for sharing your content. 

Active engagement keeps your current followers interested and increases the chances of their friends discovering your page.

Run Facebook Contests and Giveaways

Contests and giveaways can be powerful tools for attracting new followers:

• Choose prizes that are relevant to your target audience

• Make following your page a requirement for entry

• Encourage participants to tag friends or share the contest

• Ensure your contest complies with Facebook's promotion guidelines

• Follow up with non-winning participants to maintain engagement

While contests can provide a quick boost in followers, ensure you have a strategy to keep these new followers engaged long-term.

Collaborate with Influencers and Other Businesses

Partnerships are a great way to expose your brand to new audiences. Start by finding influencers whose followers match your target market and collaborate on content or product promotions. 

You can also cross-promote with businesses that complement yours, host or join joint Facebook Live sessions, and think about contributing as a guest on relevant pages. 

Collaborations not only boost your brand’s credibility but also introduce you to potential followers who trust the influencer or partner business.

Facebook Ads

While organic reach is crucial, Facebook's advertising platform can greatly enhance your visibility. Take advantage of Facebook’s targeting options to reach your ideal audience and create lookalike audiences based on your current followers. Try out various ad formats like image, video, and carousel to see what works best. 

Try running "Page Like" campaigns to attract new followers and retarget website visitors to encourage them to follow your page. Even a modest budget can deliver impressive results if your ads are well-targeted and engaging.

Cross-Promote Across Other Platforms

Don’t restrict your Facebook promotion to just Facebook. Make sure to add links to your Facebook page on your website and blog, and include your Facebook URL in email signatures and newsletters. 

Share your Facebook content on other social media platforms, and encourage customers to visit your page for exclusive content or offers. Adding Facebook follow buttons to your blog posts can also help. 

Provide Exclusive Facebook Content

Give people a reason to follow your page by offering exclusive content. Share sneak peeks of new products or services, offer Facebook-only discounts or promotions, and host Q&A sessions just for your Facebook followers. 

Provide early access to content or products, and share behind-the-scenes glimpses that aren’t available anywhere else. Exclusive content adds value and fosters a sense of community, keeping your followers engaged and more likely to share your page with others.

Analyse and Adapt Your Strategy

Regularly review your Facebook Insights to understand what's working:

• Track which types of posts get the most engagement

• Analyse when your followers are most active

• Monitor your follower growth rate and identify successful strategies

• Pay attention to negative feedback and adjust accordingly

• Set measurable goals and track your progress

Encourage Employee Advocacy

Your employees can be great ambassadors for your brand. Encourage them to like and share your page's content and feature them in your posts to add a personal touch. Create shareable content that they’ll be excited to post, and think about starting an employee advocacy program with incentives to boost participation. 

Provide clear guidelines to keep messaging consistent. Leveraging employee advocacy can greatly expand your reach and add authenticity to your brand.

Optimise for Local Searches

If you have a physical location, local optimisation is key. Make sure your address and contact details are current, and encourage customers to check in when they visit. Respond to reviews and recommendations, and share local news or events related to your business. Using location-specific hashtags in your posts can also help. 

Participate in Facebook Groups

Facebook Groups can be a great way to attract new followers. Join groups that are relevant to your industry or target audience and contribute valuable insights and advice without pushing your brand too hard. Answer questions and share your expertise, and, when it makes sense, direct people to relevant content on your page. 

Create your own Facebook Group centred around your brand or industry. Always follow the group rules and focus on adding value rather than just promoting yourself.

Building a Thriving Facebook Community

Growing your Facebook following isn't about quick fixes or shortcuts. It's about consistently providing value, engaging with your audience, and leveraging the platform's features to increase visibility and attract the right followers.

It's not just about the numbers. Focus on attracting quality followers who are genuinely interested in your brand and likely to engage with your content. These engaged followers are more likely to become customers and brand advocates, helping to organically grow your following over time.

Stay patient, be consistent, and keep providing value to your audience. With time and effort, you'll see your Facebook following grow, creating new opportunities for customer engagement, brand awareness, and business growth. If you need some help or support with your Facebook strategy, get in touch.

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