Capturing the Perfect Team Portrait

September 12, 2024
5 min read
Capturing the Perfect Team Portrait

Getting a great team portrait can be a bit of a challenge, but it’s well worth the effort. 

A professional photograph of your team doesn’t just look good on your website or in your office, it tells a story about who you are as a company and the people who make it tick. 

So, how do you capture a team portrait that truly reflects your team’s personality and professionalism? Let’s walk through some tips to help you get that perfect shot.

Professional Photography Tips

The first thing to consider is planning. You want to think ahead about how you want your team to be presented. This involves more than just deciding who will be in the photo. You need to think about the setting, the mood, and how everyone’s going to interact. If you want a formal look, a clean, professional backdrop and neat attire will be key. 

If you’re aiming for a more relaxed vibe, you might choose a location that reflects your company culture, like a cosy office lounge or an outdoor space that aligns with your brand’s personality.

Choosing a Professional Photographer 

Choosing the right photographer is another important step. A professional photographer brings a lot to the table beyond just the camera. 

They know how to direct people, manage lighting, and use their equipment to get the best possible results. If you’ve got a photographer in mind, check out their portfolio to ensure their style matches what you’re envisioning for your team. It’s also a good idea to discuss your vision and any specific requirements you have before the shoot.

The Shoot

On the day of the shoot, make sure everyone knows what to expect. A little bit of preparation can make a big difference. Let your team know where they need to be and what they should wear. Coordinating outfits can help create a cohesive look, but it doesn’t mean everyone has to wear the same thing. A general colour scheme or style can unify the photo without making it look too uniform. 

When everyone arrives for the shoot, start with a few warm-up shots. This helps everyone get comfortable in front of the camera and allows the photographer to adjust the lighting and angles. It’s also a good time to address any last-minute adjustments to the wardrobe or positioning. Sometimes, just a slight change in stance or expression can make a big difference.


Posing might seem straightforward, but it’s actually a bit of an art. A good photographer will guide your team through this, but there are a few tips that can help everyone look their best. Encourage natural, relaxed poses. Forced smiles and stiff stances can make the photo look less genuine. Instead, aim for a mix of posed and candid shots where your team looks engaged and at ease. 

Get Creative

Make sure the environment complements your team and the image you want to project. If you’re shooting indoors, consider the background carefully. A cluttered or distracting backdrop can take away from the main focus: your team. A clean, well-organised space usually works best. If you’re opting for an outdoor shoot, keep in mind how the natural light will affect the photo. Early morning or late afternoon often provides the best lighting, avoiding the harsh midday sun that can create unflattering shadows.

It’s also worth thinking about the overall composition of the shot. A professional photographer will know how to frame the team so that everyone is included and the image looks balanced. Group photos often work best when people are arranged in a way that creates visual interest without making the composition too busy. The photographer might place taller people in the back and shorter ones in the front or use other techniques to ensure everyone is clearly visible.


Lighting plays a big role in photography, and getting it right can make all the difference. Natural light is often the most flattering, but not always available in every setting. In those cases, the photographer will use artificial lighting to mimic natural light and ensure everyone is well-lit. Proper lighting helps to highlight the best features and can make the photo look more professional.

The Edit

Finally, after the shoot, the editing process begins. This is where the photographer refines the images, adjusting colours, contrast, and removing any imperfections. Good editing enhances the photo without making it look overly touched up. It’s about maintaining a natural look while ensuring the image is polished and professional.

Team Portraits

Capturing the perfect team portrait is about more than just snapping a photo. It’s about planning, preparation, and making sure everyone is comfortable and looking their best. With the right approach, you can create a team portrait that not only looks great but also represents your company’s values and culture.

If you are in need of some creative on brand team shots, with a photographer that will direct your team to make the most of the shoot, get in touch

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